Star Trek: Picard’s Sir Patrick Stewart reveals he doesn’t know what warp speed is

Sir Patrick Stewart and Alison Pill (no relation) on The Talk
Star Trek: Picard stars Sir Patrick Stewart and Alison Pill (no relation) appeared on CBS’s The Talk this week to promote the new series. While there, the hosts metaphorically barraged the pair with questions, all under the guise of a game called “Pick a Card, Picard!”
In the game, Stewart and Pill took turns selecting numbered cards off a large screen, which corresponded to the hosts’ numbered questions. Some of the questions were easy. For instance, when Stewart was asked what Star Trek technology he wished we had today, he replied, “Transporter!” Answering another question about what she’d like to do in space, Pill noted that it was a “daytime show” before laughing and explaining that she’d love to float in zero gravity.
Stewart later revealed the Star Trek term he’s used several times without knowing the meaning, and it was a surprising one: warp speed! He said, “I was once asked what warp speed was, and I said well, you can’t do it on the freeway.”
Pill was comedically sentimental in her final answer. When asked what she would take with her if she had to go into space for the next two years, she watched Stewart point at himself before saying, “I’d have to bring my pstew.”
Watch Monday’s episode of The Talk, with Sir Patrick Stewart and Alison Pill, on CBS All Access now.