UPDATE: Ben Robinson Shares Some News About Those Small Star Trek Ships

UPDATE: Ben Robinson Shares Some News About Those Small Star Trek Ships
A selection of teeny-tiny ships from Ealemoss.

A selection of teeny-tiny ships from Ealemoss.

OCTOBER 31, 2022 - A little over three months ago, in mid-July, we brought you the news that partworks publisher Eaglemoss was filing a “Notice of Intention,” the first step in the company’s demise. A month later, Eaglemoss’ former Director of Licensed Properties, Ben Robinson, confirmed the speculation that the company had essentially gone the way of the planet M-113 Salt Vampire.

Then at the beginning of this month, Robinson tweeted out some hope that there would be announcements coming regarding the fate of some of Eaglemoss’ product lines. And then, radio silence. That is, until now.

We’ve been keeping a close eye on Robinson’s Twitter account, watching for any news we could bring you about the fate of those teeny-tiny starships we love so much. This, Robinson once again broke his silence with a three-part tweet, the first of which began with a tacit apology:

Robinson’s second tweet held some news for those who are hoping to get their hands on Eaglemoss’ existing stock:

In his third tweet, he shared some exciting not-quite-news:

It’s good to see that things seem to be moving swiftly and that fans of those small starships may soon be able to complete their collections. As always, DSTN is paying close attention to this story and we’ll bring you the latest updates as they become available.

T is the Managing Editor for Daily Star Trek News and a contributing writer for Sherlock Holmes Magazine and a Shakespeare nerd. He may have been the last professional Stage Manager to work with Leonard Nimoy, has worked Off-Broadway and regionally, and is the union Stage Manager for Legacy Theatre, where he is currently working with Julie Andrews. after which he’ll be working on Richard III at Elm Shakespeare Company.