You Will Be Assimilated By Our Preview Of Star Trek: Prodigy Episode 112, "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"

Kate Mulgrew as Janeway and Dee Bradley Baker as Murf in STAR TREK: PRODIGY. Image: Nickelodeon/Paramount+.
NOVEMBER 2, 2022 - In this week's Star Tek: Prodigy, episode 112, "Let Sleeping Borg Lie,” the title tells it all… the crew of the USS Prodigy encounters a dormant Borg cube. Something bad happens and it will be up to Zero to save the day.
In the gallery of photos below, we see several key moments.
We see the crew visiting another planet, that perhaps has a link to Gwyn’s past; something is happening on board the ship.
Not only that, but we see ‘live-action’ Janeway as well. As we learned in Star Trek: Voyager, Endgame, Janeway had given up coffee. She is now a connoisseur of tea. (Must be a tradition amongst captains) But notice the tea bag. Did she replicate a tea bag so that she could brew it herself, rather than just replicate brewed tea? We’ll likely never get the answer.
Returning to the Protostar, the kids encounter a Borg cube, with Hologram Janeway detecting that it’s inactive and the crew boarding it. Plus we seem to get a happy ending, as well as hologram Janeway helping with the emotional needs of her crew.
As the intrepid crew of the USS Protostar boldly go where no collection of misfits has gone before, they transcend more and more into the Starfleet crew that they aspire to be. Can you say that I’m a bit biased toward this show? Of all the new Treks, this is my favorite and it continues to deliver week after week. Tomorrow will be no different.
Star Trek: Prodigy has its home on Paramount+.

Thaddeus Tuffentsamer is an internationally selling author. His books have been sold in the US, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and France. He has a series of young reader novels, a satirical self-help book, (which, according to reviews, actually has some pretty solid counsel), and has joined the list of professional Sherlock Holmes authors.
He promises that his works will never contain profanity, gratuitous violence, or anything else that would prevent the entire family from enjoying them together.
He spends his days working in healthcare administration and in his evenings, in between plans for becoming “Lord Emperor of everything,” he types away at his keyboard letting his imagination out for the world to read.
He is fortunate to have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. He currently lives in Goodyear Arizona with his wife.