How to watch all of Star Trek: Picard for FREE with a month’s trial of CBS All Access, courtesy of Sir Patrick Stewart

Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Picard
Sir Patrick Stewart has given U.S.-based Star Trek fans the gift of FREE Star Trek: Picard.
If you’re not already a subscriber to CBS All Access, from now through the 23rd of April, they’re offering a month’s free trial. That’s up significantly from their standard offer of one free week, and more than enough time for you to catch up on all of Star Trek: Picard, and quite a bit of other Star Trek, too.
Stewart announced the special offer on social media yesterday afternoon. In a tweet, he posted a promotional video for Star Trek, thanking fans for watching Picard. He wrote, “Our #StarTrekPicard season finale is Thursday, and starting today until 4/23, you can watch for free on @CBSAllAccess in the US with the code: GIFT. It's felt good to bring Picard back. I can't wait to reunite with our cast and crew for Season 2.”
Our #StarTrekPicard season finale is Thursday, and starting today until 4/23, you can watch for free on @CBSAllAccess in the US with the code: GIFT.
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) March 24, 2020
It's felt good to bring Picard back. I can't wait to reunite with our cast and crew for Season 2.
Now, if you’d like to take advantage of this special offer, then please, consider doing so through my website, at When you sign up that way and keep your subscription going, CBS rewards me with a small affiliate incentive.
Now, a point of clarification: if you do sign up through, please use the offer code ALL, rather than GIFT. Both codes will work for the offer, but I’ve been advised by CBS Interactive that they prefer affiliates - like me - to use the code ALL.
Once again, that’s and check out using the offer code ALL for a month’s free trial.