MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Seeding the Glaxy, Surviving April Fools' Day, and Keeping Things Afloat

Hello! Happy Meme Review Monday and more importantly Happy Eclipse Day for those in North America! I hope you have some fun plans for the eclipse today. Make sure you stay safe and do not look directly into the eclipse without eye protection until it reaches totality. Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way let’s get into the memes!
First up we have a meme from @keeping_up_cardassians on Instagram.
I decided to bring out this Progenitors meme in honor of DISCO season 5. This meme is an oldie but a goodie. I wonder how many people in the galaxy can tie their heritage back to Riker. There’s a joke, which may or may not actually have some scientific backing, that all Europeans can tie their heritage back to Charlemagne. I wonder if it’s the same for Riker, most people on Federation planets can tie their heritage back to Will Riker.
Next up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
They posted this right after April Fools’ Day and I really like the idea that getting pranked is an immense dishonor. If you are not enough of a warrior to avoid an April Fools’ Day prank you are not worthy of your Klingon heritage.
Next up we have a meme from @vebiloshertom on X.
This meme is just so silly that I couldn’t resist posting it. Plus, Trans Day of Visibility just passed and I think it’s right that I include a trans meme in this week’s meme review. If this ship really was trans I think they would actually use he/him pronouns as usually all ships use she/her pronouns, so in this hypothetical scenario Sulu is technically misgendering the transgender starship.
Next up we have a meme from @crystal-mouse on Tumblr.
They posted this meme because someone commented that Zephram looks like Misogyny Ken from the Barbie movie. Now that I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it, he really does look like Misogyny Ken. I also really enjoy this meme because this is pretty much a summary of Zephram’s character development throughout the film.
Next up we have a meme from @feral-ferengi on Tumblr.
This meme is burned into my retinas and now I have to curse you with it. It’s a redraw of a (I believe) Lizzie Mcguire meme and I think this meme is infinitely more perfect with Quark. I really enjoy that the artist chose to keep Quark in the original outfit. I really think it suits him.
Next up we have a meme from @thebeamup on Instagram.
When the line “infinite diversity in infinite combinations” was written I don’t think they expected this. This meme is so painful to look at and yet I cannot stop. The Cars franchise is so iconic however I want it very far away from my Star Trek.
Next up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
This meme is a pretty good summary of O’Brien on DS9. He is really holding that whole ship together with the sheer force of his will. I would love to see how DS9 would fare for a day without O’Brien.
Ok that’s all I have for y’all this week! I hope you enjoy the eclipse! See you next week!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.