Star Trek: Discovery actor Noah Averbach-Katz implores fans to donate in support of #Insulin4All

Noah Averbach-Katz (@N_A_K) on Twitter. Commbadge image Scott Matteson (@planetrise)
DECEMBER 17, 2020 - Star Trek: Discovery guest actor Noah Averbach-Katz is using his newfound fame for a good true Star Trek fashion.
Yesterday, Averbach-Katz, who plays Ryn the Andorian in Discovery season three, posted on Twitter: “#StarTrek friends: Help me push our timeline closer to the 24th century: where all #Type1Diabetics have access to affordable insulin. Join me and Donate to @t1international's #VialsOfLife to make sure no one dies from lack of insulin again.” He included a link to a GiveLively donation page, and an image of a Starfleet delta with the words, “STARFLEET #INSULIN4ALL DIVISION”.
#StarTrek friends: Help me push our timeline closer to the 24th century: where all #Type1Diabetics have access to affordable insulin
— Noah AK (@N_A_K) December 16, 2020
Join me and Donate to @t1international's #VialsOfLife to make sure no one dies from lack of insulin again🖖
Donate here
In a thread, Averbach-Katz revealed that he himself lives with Type I diabetes. He said, “As a #Type1Diabetic Insulin affordability and Insulin availability is extremely important to me. A retweet, share, or donation makes a huge difference and gives others the opportunity to get involved, get informed, and receive life saving aid.” He also implored fans to follow and boost the Twitter profile of Mutual Aid Diabetes (@MutualAidBetes), a grassroots resource and advocacy hub for those living with the disease.
For more information on either T1International or Mutual Aid Diabetes, head to Averbach-Katz’s profile on Twitter, @N_A_K.