Star Trek Online and Neverwinter raise more than $130k for charity

Heroic Risian caracal in Star Trek Online
Earlier this month, Perfect World Entertainment, the publisher of Star Trek Online and its sister game, Neverwinter, announced that it would be raising money for two charities by offering exclusive digital bundles through The promotion ended last week, and when the results were tallied, the two games had raised over $130,000 for Pop Culture Hero Coalition and the Bay Area chapter of the United Way.
In the promotion, players could purchase codes for exclusive digital items in Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, for either the PC or gaming console versions. Among the goodies on offer for Star Trek Online were a heroic tribble, the special title “Heroic” and playable starships. The total of $130,313 that was raised from the sale was split evenly between the two charities.
Pop Culture Hero Coalition was founded by Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Chase Masterson and uses pop culture to help educate children and combat bullying and other forms of intolerance. The United Way Bay Area seeks to end poverty in eight Bay Area counties by building financial capability among their residents.
It’s too late to get the exclusive rewards for yourself, but it’s not too late to get the game. Star Trek Online is free to play, and available for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. Visit for more information.