RECAP: STAR TREK: PRODiGY Episode 201 Brings the Popular Children's Show to Netflix

Netflix, The Final Frontier! These are the adventures of the Starship Voyager -A. Its twenty-episode mission, to explore the newly created wormhole, seek out new ways to travel to a lost location. Boldly going… to bring Chakotay and crew…home!
Since season one (partially) began in 2021, Star Trek fans have by and large been enthralled with the crew of the USS Protostar, a rag-tag group of tweens who escaped forced labor by stealing an advanced Starfleet vessel, of the same name. Little did they know at the time that they would get involved in an adventure that far surpassed just themselves.
At the end of season one, they sacrificed their beloved ship, bid farewell to their mentor, Hologram Janeway and became cadets in Starfleet under the watchful eye of Admiral Janeway.
And now season two is finally here to carry on their adventures. The crew is met by another beloved legacy character The Doctor, who brings them to their new ship, The USS Voyager NCC 74656–A, an advanced Lamar class vessel that is, simply, gorgeous. It took everything that we loved about the original Voyager and cranked it up by 1000% Made of mixed technologies from The Federation as well as other technologies from other races that Voyager encountered along the way, it made its maiden voyage with the former Protostar crew on-board.
As the ship needed a captain, Janeway quickly volunteered to take the big chair, and promised Admiral Picard that she ‘wouldn’t lose this one in the Delta Quadrant.’
While Gwyn is on her way to her home planet to stop a civil war that hasn’t begun yet, the rest settle into their new roles.
Rok: In a role like astro mechanics, she is working with new forms of life.
Jankom: Engineering with a new advanced warp-core that blew his mind upon contact.
Zero: Medical, under the direct tutelage of The Doctor himself.
Murf: Security, and he couldn’t be happier!
And Dal: His exciting new job…study! He’s the least excited of the crew with his new assignment. To the point that he’s speaking with Gwyn over subspace and admits that he hasn’t studied temporal mechanics as the whole timey-whimey stuff gives him a headache. (Another shout-out to Doctor Who)
As everyone settles into their roles, an unintended slip of the holographic tongue from The Doctor, which he tries to play off as a glitch, alerts Zero of an unregistered ‘Shuttle-bay Three’ that doesn’t officially exist.
The former tween crew go to investigate, only to find a cloaked shuttle craft (Cloaking devices are still illegal to the Federation) and then discover that the captain and three senior officers are embarking on a mission that her crew doesn’t even know about! A mission that will bring Chakotay and his crew home, from 50+ years into the future.
Oh yeah, season two will be about the timeline and convergences, for sure. And thankfully Netflix has put all 20 episodes online, at once, not like the first 10 in 2021 and the last 10 in 2022 of season one, from before.
Fans of Star Trek have embraced this show as like Strange New Worlds, it is the closest to Legacy Trek that we’ve gotten since 2005.
Set thrusters for Netflix and have plenty of snacks as you settle in, it’s going to be a fantastic voyage(r)

Thaddeus Tuffentsamer is an internationally selling author. His books have been sold in the US, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and France. He has a series of young reader novels, a satirical self-help book, (which, according to reviews, actually has some pretty solid counsel), and has joined the list of professional Sherlock Holmes authors.
He promises that his works will never contain profanity, gratuitous violence, or anything else that would prevent the entire family from enjoying them together.
He spends his days working in healthcare administration and in his evenings, in between plans for becoming “Lord Emperor of everything,” he types away at his keyboard letting his imagination out for the world to read.
He is fortunate to have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. He currently lives in Goodyear Arizona with his wife.