Star Trek Online releases Klingon-centric House Divided update for Cryptic Studios’ 20th anniversary

Star Trek Online: House Divided, the latest update celebrating Cryptic Studios’ 20th anniversary
In case you missed it, last Tuesday, June 30th, marked the start of Cryptic Studios 20th Anniversary celebrations. To commemorate a remarkable two decades of games, Cryptic’s two biggest games, Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, both launched exciting new game updates, offering players both new content and new prizes.
Star Trek Online’s latest update, House Divided, is a brand-new, Klingon-centric story featuring Martok, from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In House Divided, J’Ula, sister of T’Kuvma from Star Trek: Discovery, travels through time to find that the Klingon Empire has allied itself with the Federation. As she seeks to mobilize a rebellion and tear apart the two factions, it is up to you, the player, to work with Martok and maintain peace.
House Divided features two new playable episodes and a month-long event where you can earn the Red Angel suit. There’s even a new lockbox in which you have a chance to find a playable Ba’ul ship as seen in season two of Star Trek: Discovery. Players will also be eligible for a set of free items when you log in, including platinum versions of a vanity shield, tardigrade non-combat pet and phaser sniper rifle, free spec points or upgrades, and a new title: Cryptonian.
Stephen D’Angelo, CEO of Cryptic Studios said of the rather special 20th anniversary, “What the studio has accomplished through the years is nothing short of spectacular and humbling. We want to thank our fans for the amazing support they’ve shown us these past two decades. We are excited to continue our legacy of delivering epic gameplay experiences for franchises that players love, including the upcoming launch of Magic: Legends.”
For all the details on the new gameplay and items available in Star Trek Online’s House Divided update, please be sure to visit For full details on the Neverwinter update and the upcoming Magic: Legends game, visit