MEME REVIEW MONDAY: We May Be Elfless and Shelfless, But This Is Fine

A (mostly) holiday-themed Meme Monday!
DECEMBER 4, 2023 - Hello and happy December! I know you’ve been waiting all week for this meme review so let’s get right into it.
First up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
Though everyone is getting annoyed at the Elf on the Shelf memes, I love them. I think they’re so funny. It’s like a little brain game trying to figure them out. They’re my favorite part of the Holiday season, other than hot chocolate of course.
Next up we have another Elf on a Shelf meme.
This one is equally as silly. I really appreciate the dedication that went into it to really make it look like she is sitting on that barrel.
Next, we have another Elf on a Shelf meme from our very own Alex Giles.
Alex sent this meme to the DSTN discord server (which you can join if you join our Patreon) and I knew I had to include it in this week’s meme review. You can also follow Alex personally on X as @QuarksCorner.
Next up we have a meme that I’ve seen circulating around X recently.
I have a confession to make: I’ve never seen Doctor Who. I’ve always wanted to watch it but I never had the time. It’s on my list as David Tennant is one of my favorite actors of all time. Anyway, back to the meme, I am quite a big fan of this meme. People who say Star Trek isn’t political are always so funny to me. I sometimes wonder if they’ve ever seen the show.
Next up we have a meme from @alexdbrooks on Tumblr.
This is absolutely hilarious to me. I love puns and this one is perfect. I love how annoyed T’Pring looks on the can.
Next up we have another meme from @robintreks.
I cannot explain why this wreath was made or why on earth it is so funny to me, but I love it. I am considering making one for my door just so that everyone can know how much I love Khan Noonien Singh.
Next up we have a meme from @dakidoesdumbsh1t on Tumblr.
This meme is pretty much a summary of DS9. If it weren’t for O’Brian I’m not sure where that Space Station would be (probably floating somewhere in the cold dark abyss of space with no hope of survival).
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the meme made by yours truly.
I couldn’t decide which elf on the shelf meme to make so I decided to make all of them. Let us know which is your favorite!
Thank you all for reading this week’s Monday Meme Review! I’ll see you all soon!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.